Join Us In Worship
Our worship service starts at 9am. Toward the end of our worship service you'll have the opportunity to connect with us by walking toward the front when the invitation is extended or speaking with an Usher.
Explore Membership
New members are required to attend three one-hour New Member Orientation Classes, where you will receive information about our Church, what it means to be a Church Members, our ministries, and how to get involved in one of our Community Groups. Please pay attention to the announcements and emails that you will receive to be a part of the next New Member Class. Currently, these classes are held every Sunday at 11:00 after the service in the pastor’s office. Until then, stay connected by joining us in worship, Bible Study or any of our fellowship opportunities.
Baptism/Welcome Ceremony
After you've completed the New Members Orientation you'll be baptized (if needed) and officially welcomed into our Church as a Member during a worship service.